We maintain a stockroom offering approximately 1500 commonly used lab consumables from more than 30 vendors which are available to the research community at a discount. Same day pickup or delivery is available for many products.
Core Description
We routinely stock approximately 1500 commonly used lab consumables including cell culture media, supplements, items for PCR, modifying reagents, electrophoresis products, etc. Special ordering for non-stocked items is available.
We carry items from the following vendors: Agilent Technologies (Stratagene, Seahorse Bioscience), Antibody Research Corp., Bio-Rad, BioWest, Cell Signaling Technol., Clontech/Takara, DNA Polymerase Technologies, Eppendorf, EZ BioResearch, Fisher Scientific (CellGro, Millipore, Promega), G Biosciences, Genesee Scientific, Gold Biotechnol., Greiner, Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), Intact Genomics, Kapa Biosystems, LabSource, Lamda Biotech, Leinco Technol., Life Technologies (Applied Biosystems,Gibco, Invitrogen), Lonza, Mayflower Biosci., Midwest Scientific, Millipore-Sigma, Mirus Bio., New England BioLabs, Qiagen, Roche, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Sarstedt, Stemcell Technologies, Thomas Scientific, USA Scientific, and VWR Scientific.
We also maintain a “satellite” Millipore-Sigma supply center on the 10th floor of the McDonnell Pediatrics Bldg. This site allows for after hours and weekend pickup of consumables.
Many items are available at a significant discount without associated shipping and handling charges. In our efforts to fully service the WashU research community we attempt to stay adaptable to changes taking place on campus so we can continue to provide top quality products and services to researchers. Therefore, new products and vendors are added if there is enough interest on campus. No PO number is necessary at the time of purchase. Researchers are billed monthly via Workday or by hard copy.
Service available to All entities, including for-profit organizations.
Priority service for No distinctions.
Additional information:
We are open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., excluding campus holidays.
- Discounted lab supplies available for same day pickup
- Special ordering from many vendors
- Delivery service
- Satellite Millipore-Sigma supply center
- Ultra cold freezer
Please contact this core directly for pricing information.