Position Role
Sponsored Program Administration
Conflicts of Interest
Human Research Participant Protection
Animal Welfare
Environmental Health and Safety
Human Gene Transfer
Patents and Inventions
Export Controls
Position Role
The chancellor is the chief executive officer of WashU. Appointed by the Board of Trustees, the chancellor is responsible for the quality and effectiveness of all programs and for establishing a culture of compliance and dedicating university resources as necessary to ensure that research is conducted in accordance with all federal, state and local regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies, procedures, and accreditation requirements. The chancellor provides leadership to the executive vice chancellors, vice chancellors, deans, faculty, students and staff. Under the chancellor’s direction, the university’s academic and institutional officers provide university-wide management in such areas as academic policy, planning, and business affairs; faculty, student, and staff affairs; legislative policy; institutional research; legal affairs; capital planning; and university relations and development.
Sponsored Program Administration
General administrative
- Represents WashU to sponsoring agencies and institutions around the world.
- Represents the faculty research interests in interactions with university administration and the Board of Trustees.
- Represents interests of WashU in response to legislation and regulations that potentially affect academic research.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance among faculty, students, and staff involved in research and related activities.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure the ethical and responsible conduct of research and related activities in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
- Provides oversight and assurance of WashU’s compliance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures to outside regulatory agencies, and delegates ability as appropriate.
Conduct of Research
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance and to help ensure that research is conducted in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
Conflicts of Interest
- Takes appropriate steps to avoid conflicts of interest, or the appearance of conflicts of interest between financial or other personal interests and the goals and policies of the university.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance and to help ensure adherence to all federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures related to conflicts of interest.
- Discloses significant financial conflicts of interest to the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees and complies with recommended management strategies.
- Ensures compliance with university and sponsoring agency policies regarding conflicts of interest.
- Receives financial conflict of interest disclosures from the academic and institutional officers of the university.
- Resolve conflicts of interest of the academic and institutional officers of the university with the advice of the university’s general counsel, and reports such resolutions annually to the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees.
Human Research Participant Protection
General Administrative
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance and to help ensure adherence to all Federal regulations and University and sponsoring agency policies and procedures instituted to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects.
Animal Welfare
General Administrative
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance and to help ensure adherence to all federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures instituted to ensure the humane treatment of animal subjects used in research.
Environmental Health and Safety
General Administrative
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance and to help ensure adherence to all federal, state, and local regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures instituted to protect the health and safety of research participants, personnel, and the environment.
Human Gene Transfer
General Administrative
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance and to help ensure adherence to all federal, state, and local regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures governing human gene transfer.
Patents and Inventions
General Administrative
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance and to help ensure adherence to all federal, state, and local regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures related to patent and invention disclosure and technology transfer.
Export Controls
General Administrative
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to establish and maintain a culture of compliance and to help ensure adherence to all federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures related to international exchanges of information, items, and/or activities.
Revised April 6, 2007 | Created 2003