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External Professional Activity Policy

Published April 27, 2022

The Conflicts of Interest (COI) module of the Research Management System (RMS) has been updated to include revised disclosure forms to accommodate the External Professional Activities (EPA) policy that went into effect on April 27, 2022.

The EPA policy addresses two key areas in coordination with existing COI Policies:

  1. Establishes a mechanism for schools to evaluate external professional activities in relation to an individual’s obligations and commitments to the University in terms of time, responsibilities, resources, and dedication.
  2. Establishes a prior approval process to enable the review of certain key activities prior to initiation with the goal of advising the individual on how best to structure the relationship.

Faculty are encouraged to familiarize themselves with what activities require prior approval and how to navigate the updated disclosure requirements. 

The COI office is available to answer questions and provide guidance on the policy and process at 314-747-4181 or