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Faculty Fellows in Entrepreneurship

Published February 6, 2019

In January 2018, we announced the appointment of two Faculty Fellows in Entrepreneurship. These individuals advise WashU faculty and small companies founded by WashU personnel on university policies and administrative requirements as the startup is being envisioned and/or collaborations between WashU and the start-up company are being considered. These collaborations may occur through the SBIR/STTR mechanism, through unfunded research collaborations, or through research that is funded directly by the small business. These collaborations can present a variety of challenging issues including conflicts of interest, conflicts of commitment, protection of human subjects, appropriate use of university resources, appropriate stewardship of funds, and others. Additionally, the Faculty Fellow in Entrepreneurship will assist in identifying the university offices that should be involved and engage those offices in discussions with the start-up company and faculty to facilitate the collaboration. ​

Jennifer Silva, MD serves in this role for the School of Medicine, and Vijay Ramani, PhD serves in this role for the Danforth Campus. They act as a resource for all faculty and can be contacted directly.​