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New Tool: Qualtrics for Sensitive Data

Published March 21, 2024, via Research News

A new Qualtrics brand, Qualtrics for Sensitive Data, will be available on Thursday, April 25, 2024, to help survey creators requesting PHI/PII better align with WashU’s sensitive data policy. Qualtrics for Sensitive Data was developed with enhanced security settings including data retention features, a pre-built survey template for research with pre-configured security settings, and ‘data flags’ to alert when PHI/PII are detected. With Qualtrics for Sensitive Data, WashU makes another step forward in adopting sensitive data collection best practices. 

What will happen with the current brand of Qualtrics? 

Qualtrics It will be relabeled Qualtrics for General Use once Qualtrics for Sensitive Data launches. All survey creators who collect PHI or PII are encouraged to use Qualtrics for Sensitive Data. Users who do not need to collect PHI or PII can continue to use Qualtrics for General Use. 

What inspired Qualtrics for Sensitive Data? 

Qualtrics for Sensitive Data was inspired by a group of WashU researchers who desired to use the functionality of Qualtrics for their survey tool but were unable to because of their need to collect PHI and PII. Their feedback was heard and the journey to establishing Qualtrics for Sensitive Data began.   

What are the project’s next steps? 

The project team has completed development and is preparing to launch Qualtrics for Sensitive Data on Thursday, April 25, 2024. Training opportunities will soon become available, including webinars and how-to guides. Open office hours will also be offered once the application is live.  

To learn more, visit the project website: Qualtrics for Sensitive Data – Information Technology.

Please contact Alaina Jones at