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Potential Government Shutdown

Published December 19, 2024, via Research News

We continue to monitor the active bills in congress but recognize that the Federal government may shutdown beginning on Friday, December 20, 2024. The following information is general guidance as to what WashU researchers and their support teams should expect during a potential shutdown if they are funded by Federal funding from agencies: 

  • Researchers with active funded grants may continue work during a shutdown.

Researchers with active funded contracts may also continue work unless the Principal Investigator (PI) or WashU receives a Stop Work Order for that contract. Please forward any Stop Work Orders received to Devin Bennett, and Lindsay Danner in Sponsored Projects Accounting.  

Per the FY 2025 HHS Contingency Staffing Plan for Operations in the Absence of Enacted Annual Appropriations, will be available during the shutdown.
In addition, HHS will maintain the system in an operational status, but with reduced federal support staff presence. The Contact Center will remain available and provide assistance to callers. HHS will provide the federal grantor community with guidance and updates in the event of a government shutdown.

Federal agencies may not have agency personnel available to assist with prior approvals, support or administrative actions. Changes to grant activities requiring prior approval may need to be delayed as a result.

  • Proposal preparation systems may still be online during a shutdown. However, proposals may not be processed by agencies until normal operations resume. Also watch for announcements from agencies for extensions of deadline dates.
  • Affected agencies may suspend the issuance of new awards.
  • Submit NCE request prior to the shutdown as any NCE that require agency approval will not be processed until normal operations resume. 

Expect agencies to update and issue shutdown guidelines / contingency plans.

Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

Please direct specific questions to Krystina Gross, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Sponsored Projects.