Veterans Affairs Appointments and MOUs

Table of Contents Overview What is a VA Investigator? A VA Investigator is a faculty member of WashU who also has an appointment at the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA). Why does WashU support collaborations with the VA? To help serve Veterans by supporting VA research and education to improve the quality of care that […]

Data Sharing & Transfer Guidance

Topics Covered by this Guidance Purpose This guidance outlines procedures for sharing both outgoing and incoming data at WashU, including the use of Data Transfer and Use Agreements (DTUAs). “Outgoing data” refers to an investigator sharing locally-created data with an outside party. “Incoming data” refers to an investigator receiving data from an outside party. Both […]

Budget Considerations

The Uniform Guidance (UG) imposed these federal requirements in 2014. The most recent financial guidance was updated and is effective October 1, 2024. This applies to new awards and incremental/supplemental funding awards made on or after October 1, 2024. Requirement Action Notes UG Reference Criteria used to justify directcharging of admin/clerical costs. Administrative and clerical […]