The Gnotobiotic Core Facility has been developed to offer Investigators at WashU, as well as at other institutions, access to germ-free mice and the ability to perform experiments associated with manipulation of the microbiota. The current facility is the first step in the initiation of the WashU Gnotobiotic Research, Education and Transgenic (GREaT) facility. The gnotobiotic facility will offer specialized services including rederivation of different mouse lines as germ-free and a wide range of customizable experimental interventions for our investigators. Experiments will enter a queue on a first-come, first-served basis, with consideration given to ensuring access for many investigators.
Core Description
An estimate for the cost of each individual experiment will be generated and approved by the Investigator prior to commencement of the experiment. Defined fees for individual experimental services are consistent for all users, and services provided will be billed on a monthly basis. Emerging technical services not currently included will be added as they are validated and made available to our users. Per diems are included in the experimental fee, and all experiments must have a clearly defined end-point.
Service available to All entities, including for-profit organizations.
Priority service for Washington University only.
- Purchase of germ-free mice
- Experiments requiring special feed or water
- Colonization of mice with specific microbiota or microbes
- Coordination of submission of microbiota samples for commercial analysis
- Infection of germ-free or colonized mice with ABSL2 agents
- Germ-free rederivation of experimental groups of genetically-modified mice
- Flexible film isolators
- (2) 48 cage Sentry Rack systems
Please contact this core directly for pricing information.