The primary purpose of the IVIC is to provide a cost-effective and sustainable in vivo imaging resource for WUSM researchers.
Core Facilities
In-House Fabrication Team
The Instrument Machine Shop at Washington University School of Medicine is a fully equipped shop and fabrication facility.
Informatics Core Services
The Institute for Informatics (I2) offers services and software tools to facilitate biomedical research.
Kidney Translational Research Center
The KTRCs mission is to promote and facilitate cutting edge translational research in all aspects of kidney diseases.
Mass Spectrometry Technology Access Center (MTAC@MGI)
The Mass Spectrometry Technology Access Center at McDonnell Genome Institute (MTAC@MGI) – WashU School of Medicine provides state-of-the-art proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and Mass Spectrometry imaging technologies to answer current questions in basic, translational & clinical research by supporting and educating researchers worldwide. We’re committed to providing the best mass spectrometry-based research both cost-effectively and […]
Metabolic Tissue Function Core
The purpose of the Morphology and Metabolic Analysis Core is to improve the efficiency of diabetes-related research through provision of services that optimize the investigational capacity of Diabetes Research Center (DRC) members.
Metabolomics Facility
The Metabolomics Facility is a 1500 square foot mass spectrometry-based resource that has been designed for analysis of small molecule metabolites in blood or body fluids to identify biomarkers for detection and treatment of human diseases.
MIR Cyclotron Facility and Nuclear Pharmacy
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology operates a PET nuclear pharmacy and cyclotron facility for the routine production of PET radiopharmaceuticals and radiolabeled precursors used in research studies.