The goal of the Emergency Care Research Core (ECRC) is to provide a centralized infrastructure to support investigators conducting clinical or translational research in the area of emergency care. Many challenges exist in efficiently conducting research in emergency care including the unpredictable nature of acute illness and injury, time-dependent diagnoses and interventions, and the unique […]
Core Facilities
Flow Cytometry and Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting
The Flow Cytometry Core provides investigators with instrumentation and support for cell sorting as well as acquisition and analysis of flow cytometry data.
Genome Engineering & Stem Cell Center (GESC@MGI)
The Genome Engineering and iPSC Center (GEiC) uses engineered endonucleases to create targeted modifications of mammalian genomes in order to speed scientific discovery, validate therapeutic targets, and increase scientific productivity.
Genome Technology Access Center (GTAC)
The Genome Technology Access Center (GTAC) provides DNA/RNA/Protein analysis resources for researchers at Washington University and beyond.
Gnotobiotic Core Facility
The Gnotobiotic Core Facility has been developed to offer Investigators at WashU, as well as at other institutions, access to germ-free mice and the ability to perform experiments associated with manipulation of the microbiota. The current facility is the first step in the initiation of the WashU Gnotobiotic Research, Education and Transgenic (GREaT) facility. The […]
The vision of the HAMLET Core is to promote understanding of the biology and genetics of human breast cancer and to provide better preclinical models to validate new treatment and imaging approaches.
Health Behavior, Communication and Outreach Core
The Health Behavior, Communication and Outreach Core provides services to investigators engaged in Prevention and Control and Clinical/Translational research.
High Resolution NMR Facility
The Washington University High Resolution NMR Facility was founded in 1985 as a shared resource to serve the University and greater St Louis research community.