RCIF computing equipment in the data center
The Research Computing and Informatics Facility (RCIF) provides full research lifecycle support and services for human imaging research to all members of the WashU community as well as commercial partners. See our FY25 overview here.
Our staff members, with a broad range of technical backgrounds, provide services from curating and preprocessing data to software, training, and support in processing data on our high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure to storing and archiving results in our multi-Petabyte parallel file storage with disaster recovery. We also specialize in helping to design and support Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning approaches, providing users with pre-study advising and consulting during study execution.
Computing Equipment
Our data and consulting services are supported by computing infrastructure owned and managed by the RCIF, including a multi-Petabyte parallel file system (see details) with off-site disaster recovery file storage and the Center for High-Performance Computing (CHPC), which provides users access to advanced computing hardware (see details), including over 2,500 CPU cores and over 80 NVIDIA A100 and H100 GPU’s. Data storage and computing resources are connected via a fast and low-latency InfiniBand HDR network.
Software and Datasets
We provide users access to a variety of software for molecular modeling, image analysis, and scientific computing (see details). Users with approval can also access several open datasets, including the UK Biobank, ABCD, TCIA, and many others. See the current list or request additional datasets here.
We are a NIH Recharge Center with support for equipment through S10 grants 1S10OD025200-01A1 and 1S10OD030477-01. While we strive to minimize computing service costs, there are additional funds available to pay for RCIF services (see details).
We are here to make research happen. Find out more information at:
Core Description
The Research Computing and Informatics Facility (RCIF) provides full research lifecycle support and services for human imaging research, from curating and preprocessing data to software, training, and support in processing data on our high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure to storing and archiving results in our multi-Petabyte parallel file storage with disaster recovery.
For more information visit: https://docs.chpc.wustl.edu/
Service available to All entities, including for-profit organizations.
Priority service for All entities, including for-profit organizations.
- Data services and retrieval through CNDA and MIRRIR
- Shared dataset access and a data request portal for new datasets
- Access to a professionally managed High Performance Computing System
- Access to pre-installed software packages that support molecular modeling, advanced imaging, statistics and mathematical analysis
- Access to software development tools including all common MPI libraries
- Support for user access and the ability to request new software be added to the system
- Consultation with CHPC staff on artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning (DL), parallel computing, and software optimization.
- Easy access to parallel computing through Python
- For more information visit: https://docs.chpc.wustl.edu/
- High performance computing cluster that features: distributed memory CPUs and GPUs all managed by a SLURM scheduling manager. All systems run Linux.
- Multi-Petabyte parallel file system
- For more information visit: https://docs.chpc.wustl.edu/
Please contact this core directly for pricing information.
Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS)
Mallinckrodt Institute for Radiology (MIR)
Computational Imaging Research Center (CIRC)