Committee on Research Integrity, Danforth Campus

Evaluates and adjudicates cases of alleged research misconduct against staff, students, trainees, postdoctoral appointees, and/or faculty members with primary appointments in the Schools of the Danforth Campus.

Committee Members

Gregory Grant, PhD
CRI Chair and Research Integrity Officer

Michael Brent, PhD
McKelvey School of Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering

Tammy English, PhD
Arts & Sciences

Kim Johnson, MPH, PhD
Brown School
Masters of Public Health Program

Richard Loomis, PhD
Arts & Sciences

David Strait, PhD
Arts & Sciences

Ex Officio Member

Derek Byers MD, PhD
School of Medicine – Pulmonary and Critical Care

Legal Counsel to the CRI

Blythe Burkhardt, JD
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Associate General Counsel

Administrative Support

Jeneane Braden
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Integrity and Ethics

Hollie Noia
Manager, Research Compliance & Integrity

Jenn Huang
Senior Research Compliance Specialist