Evaluates and adjudicates cases of alleged research misconduct against staff, students, trainees, postdoctoral appointees, and/or faculty members with primary appointments in the School of Medicine
Committee Members
Gregory Grant, PhD
CRI Chair and Research Integrity Officer
Kendall Blumer, PhD
Department of Cell Biology & Physiology
Richard Cote, MD, FRCPath, FCAP
Department of Pathology & Immunology
Lisa de las Fuentes, MD, MS
Department of Medicine – Cardiology/Cardiovascular Diseases
Regis O’Keefe, MD, PhD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Michael Rauchman, MDCM,
Department of Medicine – Nephrology
Fumihiko Urano, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine – Endocrinology
Ex Officio Member
Derek Byers, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine – Pulmonary and Critical Care
Legal Counsel to the CRI
Blythe Burkhardt, JD
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Associate General Counsel
Administrative Support
Jeneane Braden
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Integrity and Ethics
Hollie Noia
Manager, Research Compliance & Integrity
Jenn Huang
Senior Research Compliance Specialist