Pop-Up Initiative Grant

Pop-Up Initiative Grants support researchers in establishing potential pathways for collaboration around a single initiative. Thus, this program allows for dedicated resources, time, and space for researchers across the University to combine their unique perspectives and skill sets in pursuit of a common go for one summer month (May, June, July, or August). Each Pop-Up Initiative is expected to produce a research product based on its in-depth preparation for a larger, future research initiative.

Summer 2025 Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals document contains the full information about the Spark Funding: Pop-Up Initiative Grant program, application procedures, review criteria, reporting requirements, etc. Please reach out to researchseedfunding@wustl.edu with any questions.

Application Information

All applications must be submitted via the InfoReady system. The deadline for Summer 2025 Pop-Up Initiative Grant applications has passed. Decisions will be made by February 2025.

Proposal Questions

After inputting demographic information, you will be asked the following question. See the CFP for the full proposal details.

  1. What is the proposed initiative? What is the anticipated research output? Explain the goals and significance of Pop-Up Summer Initiative you propose. What are the potential avenues you hope to pursue or target with this initiative?
  2. What activities do you intend to undertake during the one summer month (~30 days) of activity during Summer 2025? You may choose to present a short program or agenda for the initiative.  
  3. How does this Pop-Up Initiative align with the Here & Next priority areas you selected?
  4. Please explain the roles and duties of the various investigators on this initiative. How did this team form and how do you see the role of diversity and innovation within your team structure?  

Budget Information

All events associated with the Pop-Up Initiative must take place within one month (~30 days) in Summer 2025. You will be asked to provide a top-line budget for this

Funds may be used to support various convening costs such as:

  • Space/Facility Rental
  • Travel, Lodging, and Meals for Collaborators 
  • Supply or equipment rentals (for convening)
  • Summer salary for researchers

Funds may not be spent on:

  • Pilot Data
  • Research materials, activities, or equipment
  • Staff, student, or postdoctoral support

Spark Funding: Pop-Up Initiative Awardees

Summer 2024 Initiatives

  • From Consultation to Empowerment: A Pop-Up Initiative to Economic Development
    Global Health, Public Health, & Environmental Research: Mitra Naseh, Brown School; Rachel Brown, Arts & Sciences; Nhial Tutlam, Brown School; Proscovia Nabunya, Brown School
  • Mainstreaming Climate Content into Traditional Curriculums: Using Group Model Building to Identify priorities and pathways
    Environmental Research & Public Health: Duana Russell-Thomas, WUSM; Ellis Ballard, Brown School
  • Global Adolescent Health and Economic Strengthening Conference
    Global Health & Public Health: Fred Ssewamala, Brown; Juliet Iwelunmor, WUSM; Chenyang Lu, McKelvey School of Engineering                 
  • The Autonomous Future of Mobility: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Trustworthy AI Systems for Sustainable and Equitable Urban Futures
    Digital Transformation, Public Health, & Environmental Research: Constance Vale, Sam Fox; Eugene Vorobeychik, McKelvey School of Engineering