Find a Collaborator
Research Networking Groups (RNGs)
White Papers
Seed Funding
Find a Collaborator
Please explore a tool below or contact us directly to find new collaborators at WashU.
- WashU Profiles (medical campus faculty)
- Global Health Interactive Map
- Past ‘Bring Your Own Idea’ Grant Awardees
- SciVal (See login instructions)
Research Networking Groups (RNGs)
Research Networking Groups (RNGs) are hosted by Research Development to bring together faculty representing several schools at WashU on a specific topic or area of interest. Please reach out to us if you are interested in leading a cross-school research networking group or event.
Possible RNG Objectives:
- Bridge communication between schools on an initiative or topic
- Transfer knowledge between disciplines
- Establish new interdisciplinary projects
- Promote and discuss anticipated funding opportunities
Active RNGs:
- AI in Health and Medicine (started December 2019)
White Papers
Putting together a white paper can help build a team and strengthen an interdisciplinary proposal idea. RD can assist new teams in developing a relational framework that ties pieces together in a synergistic way. A white paper can be used to clearly explain your: Research goals and objectives; Research plan; Research significance; Value-added benefits and impact on an agency mission or research field; Prior results/preliminary data that validate your capacity to perform and the value of a team approach; Barriers and challenges to achieving results and your plan for overcoming them; and Payoffs from success. The white paper can be a useful tool to communicate with University leadership, sponsors, or other collaborators. RD will also help faculty identify funding opportunities that align with the white paper ideas.
Seed Funding
RD manages the OVCR seed funding program for new innovative cross-school ideas and teams.